Friday, February 10, 2012

Exactly what a stupid rule (National football league)

The refs blew it

Today watching the National football league game between your and also the Detroit Lions a grave injustice happened. Basically the Lions got conned on the "loophole" including a really questionable rule that cost them the overall game. And don't forget folks I'm a fierce Bear fan too. So must i be quiet and state that cheap soccer scarves simply because the Bears had nearly 300 more total yds in those days, and also the statistics never lie, they deserved to win? Not a chance, not whatsoever if you think maybe in fair play!

It so happened that wide receiver Calvin Manley from the Lions received a pass from his quarterback Rob Hill, which should happen to be declared a TD, and could have been in almost any other league. But as the began honoring victoriously with only under 25 seconds to visit thinking they'd their first road win in umteenth tries,along with a originate from behind 19-14 win among the authorities boosts his hands to signal TD, because the Referee does the unthinkable and opposes him and overules him and also the Detroit faithful attending and round cheap soccer jerseys free shipping the globe go ballistic.

Knowing anything about football how isn't that a TD you request? We viewed Manley catch the ball, twist, come lower with cheap soccer scarves an elbow and both knees and (understand this) both ft in bounds, hanging to the ball together with his right hands. UP up to now get up, TD right, but here's where it will get dicey. AS Manley is ongoing his motion then he arrived at to place the ball lower rather roughly and also the ball literally leaped from his hands heading out of bounds. TD without a doubt, Manley, his team, and most likely everybody watching that game thought. Whether a Bear or Lion fan you thought like Used to do its OVER, but lo and behold I hear these words in the Umpire "the play is under review" What this means is he or she must go below the hood (Replay Booth) and replay it as being many occasions because it takes to create the best call, to fulfill League authorities what went down, and they allow the UMP result in the final call.

So after a couple of minutes of review with each side waiting and searching on in eager anticipation of the favorable demand their particular sides, out comes the Umpire and informs us that Johnson's follow-through from the catch (known as the "process" of keeping the ball from delivering prematurely) was the main reason it had not been a TD. I needed to laugh, then dared to look at it a minimum of 5 more occasions, and am still convinced it had been a TD in most honesty, but since the Referees possess the final word, it is not Detroit 20- and allows kick the ultimate point, but because it works out, an inexpensive UGLY win for my Bears as Detroit with 2 more downs could not get ultimately zone any longer either. I honestly shame every Detroit Lion fan, however their loss was our gain, honestly we'll go. Now that do I understand is really a Detroit fan will be able to call on my cell phone, or PC which rub some salt within their wounds. Grrr go Bears!!report=2012-02-10data

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